Remission,what causes this? Help please!

Can anyone help me??? I had constant TN since my MVD failed . About 2 1/2 years.I was on Lyrica and Tegretol.I posted how I suddenly felt no pain, this has lasted about 2 months.Had a holiday, no pain, nothing affected me.Yesterday it came back with a vengeance.WHY did the pain go away completely and why has it come back.I have kept up a dose of 50mg Lyrica as it helped withh restlesss legs.I am in tears writing this as I thought I was cured, can anyone help me????

I can only relate as after MVD - 11 weeks no pain --- then for 10 weeks I had some pain - now back to no pain

I would call your doctor and find out what your options are

so sorry --

I am so sorry for you. I am on remission and do not understand how this work , what causes this…Earlier on I had a few remissions and each lasted for a couple of months . The pain came back with a vengeance and slightly different form. I take Lyrica and LamoTRIGne . During remission , I would taper down my medicines and I wonder if the pain comes back when there is not enough medicine in my system…

Hi, I’m so sorry you are in pain again. ((( hugs )))
You’ve asked the magic question…
I was in remission for 8 yrs. It’s been back 2 1/2 yrs…
I WISH I knew what happened or why!!!

Unfortunately there aren’t any straight answers, just a whole lot of guessing in my opinion .
I hope your pain goes away again…
Thinking of you, Mimi

i am so sorry for you. I asked the same question to my Neurologist yesterday. His response was "no one will ever know the answer to that, no one will ever be able to tell you why". Not what i wanted to hear :( Thought i would share that with you, I am hoping he was wrong!

I am so sorry to hear this. During your time of being pain free did you begin to do anything physical that may have triggered an attack or was your behaviour the same? I am not saying behaviour triggers an attack but I am trying to work things out myself and just wondered? I am coming to the conclusion that the nerve becomes very sensitive at times, but what causes this? Has an MRI ever shown a compression of any sought?

I think to be pain free and then go back is the hardest thing to cope with, but if you have been pain free before then there is hope you will become pain free again. Go back on the meds until you find out what is right for you and then give it time for the nerve to settle again. ((hugs)) Let us know how you are

I know we are only to believe but I am having trouble seeing past the pain everyday which consumes me.

jacob said:

hi jaquline ...your pain will go away ...

That is awful to have been in remission and then to go back into that pain.

Betty said:

i am so sorry for you. I asked the same question to my Neurologist yesterday. His response was "no one will ever know the answer to that, no one will ever be able to tell you why". Not what i wanted to hear :( Thought i would share that with you, I am hoping he was wrong!

KC, you are an inspiration. Keep on dancing.

Jacqueline, strange old thing this TN. In April my son-in-law tried to commit suicide.I moved in with my daughter and her three young children to help her. I stayed with her one whole month and no pain. I fetched and carried the children to school, cooked, helped them with their homework. Went with her to the hospital where they did not give him 1% chance of surviving. Now if anything this should have triggered off the worst TN I ever had, but it didn't. After a month I could go home. And bang. There it was. Back with a vengeance. So I don't know either.

Strength to all of us.