Radiofrequency Rhizotomy (RFR) For Trigeminal Neuralgia

Who Had this procedure Done? Radiofrequency Rhizotomy (RFR)

Can someone please elaborate.

Haven’t had it done but if I have one this will be the one. You
Can go to on you left you at the bottom you will see treginal neuralgia and it will have a video step by step of the procedure by Dr Tew which is my doc…god bless

Thank you Donna, I have been on that website before and seen the procedure. I am currently looking for a Neurologist here in Orlando, FL who would do this. I am just scared due to the side effects of facial numbness and cornea problems. I need to see more testimonies. God bless, thanks again.

I just had the glycerol rhizotomy done, sadly it didnt help, but the surgeon I was seeing suggested that first to see if any relief and then would try either MVD or radiofrequency, he said it was a good test and the side effects are lesser. Might be worth a question to ask your neuro..just my two cents


Thank you, My Neuro suggested Gamma Knife, not MVD, but I have heard a few bad reviews about Gamman Knife, that is why I'm looking into RF instead. I have read a lot of good things about it, for example it lasts as long as MVD, if it works, and no hospital stay.

I talked to my neurosurgeon about this at my appointment yesterday, and he assured me that there is always facial numbness when this is done and when the TN returns, you will have all the TN smptoms and still have to deal with the numbness on your face in addition to that. I guess this is something I won't be doing any time soon.