Hey Suzie,
I'm sorry it's taken me so long to reply to you properly, I've been off the boards a lot this month, I've had a couple of trips back home, once for birthdays, and once for a family emergency and working 13 hour shifts in between in truth I'm little more than running on fumes right now, but bye's the bye, I'm here now and will reply to you to the best of my ability, for the last few weeks I've been reading the boards and following your story closely. And from a purely outside perspective to me it doesn't sound like you have GPN at all. I'm not a doctor, but believe me I've been through this mill for the last 4 years and I understand, sympathise and empathise with your pain, but from 4 years of pain, and research what you're describing to my understanding it doesn't fit with this at all.
That said that's not to say you're glosso nerve isn't irritated following the surgery, as can happen, but glosso doesn't tend to swap sides like this, I'm billateral myself, but sometimes I question my own diagnosis, ( I think for me at least on my left side the problem may be genticulate neuralgia, but that;s another story)
The cranial nerves opperate in pairs, and supply motor and sensory function to each side of your head and neck, but they do NOT cross over, and unless there is the same kind of damage ( for whatever reason) to the nerves on each side the pain shouldn't cross over from one side to the other, however if you have a deep tissue infection within the tonsillar area, that could certainly radiate from one side into the central region, and possibly the other side if there;s infection there too. Alternatively it could be post tonsillectomy eagles causing you problems.
There is a big difference to the feeling of horriffic strep aching burning awful radiating throb, to the sensation of neuralgia, it is an entirely different sensation, neuralgic pain is a different beast, as neuralgia is different sensation to neuropathy. ( on that note, I also ended up with atypical pain from gabapentin, and that really screwed my diagnosis for a long time, which although is unusual I wouldn;t wish on anyone either, but again that's another story)
A lot of what you're saying is reminicent of my own experience of this, and many many years before I ever had so much as a twinge of neuralgia, the awful throat pain, ( for me it was right sided and didn't really switch at that point) it would plague me, then would go away, then come back, no infection, no nothing just awful awful pain, on and off this went on probably for a good couple of years, ( all about 15-20 years following a tonsillectomy, later on the clicks started, the gagging, "nothing significant" found, so I never followed up on it, and that portion of the pain eventually subsided, then, the real nightmare started with the neuralgia, but at the time I never really pieced it together or made any kind of connection of one to the other. Then drugs screwed things up, diagnosis got confused, TN was what we thought I had ( facial pain caused by drugs and familial history) then the drugs were stopped, and it clarified things, then eagles was diagnosed, there were tests of every form. I was gonna have eagles surgery but due to the ear pain didn't go ahead with that.
Anyway, what I will say is that diagnosis for these things is a very very difficult process a lot of the time, and I would also strongly caution against cutting out the scar tissie without VERY DEFINITE CAUSE. If you cut out the scar tissue, you have to cut the scar tissue itself out, and will likely further damage the lining of your throat and currently healthy tissue> Then where there had been healthy tissue, further scar tissue is going to form, deeper than it was previously, and if it is the scar tissue is contributing to your pain, it would, by my understanding of medicine and these procedures, cause yet further problems for you. BUT I AM NOT A DOCTOR, OR IN THE MEDICAL PROFESSION IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM, I'm just offering my understanding as a lay person, so bad as it may be, please think about the consequences of cutting out more tissue without being told it is absolutely necessary, cause it could do more harm than good.
I would definitely wait till you've had your CT and take it from there, I know that's of no real help to you now, just offering a word of caution against surgery unless you know its the right surgery for you. Meantime, about the only things I can offer that might be of any help, is to maybe keep an anaesthetic throat spray to hand all the time, and for me, although my throat is hardly ever an issue now cause of the meds ( except for the damned eagles clicking, which I try not to think about ) would be to try keeping a hot drink with you, if you can tollerate it, holding a hot drink in your throat ( almost a gargle) when its bad might help to keep the edge off, it certainly gives me the illusion of helping when mines bad,although whether it does or not or if its just an illusion of doing something to help I'm not sure though! ;) But if there's any question about an infection meantime, get yourself some heavy duty antibiotics, and try the salt water gargles, and the bicarb gargles too, if nothing else they might ease it, and its not going to do any harm!
I wish I could offer more help or advise on this, believe me I know what you're going through, and have been on this mission and had so many build ups and knock downs on the road to diagnosis that I can understand it all too well and am not envious. I really hope you get some answers and some relief soon.
Much love
Gracie x x x