I’m taking tegretol and my pain is still bothering me
it is a dull achy irritating pain. is that how anyone
feels with this pain. I am going nuts trying to figure
out what’s wrong w me
YES — I felt the exact same way. How much Tegretol do you take? I finally got that aching pain under control when I would take 200mg tablet in the morning, 100mg in the afternoon and 200mg in the evening. I also added in 75mg of Lyrica in the morning and evening. I had MVD in January that I'l still healing from and am slowly weaning off of those drugs, but I felt the exact same way as you are describing. Sometimes I put an ice pack on my face/jaw and that kind of helped me out.
That's exactly how I feel at the moment but I'm just into my second week on it. It's gone from about a 7-8 to a 3-4.
My Dr. told me there is a therapeutic level that I am supposed to reach and I am not there yet. This is determined through blood tests which everybody taking Tegretol should be getting on a regular basis.
I am also trying to figure out what's wrong with me and am currently waiting for an MRI.