Pain meds

Hi all,

I have another question. I'm in the middle of the worst TN attack I've ever had. Thsi message is taking

everything I have to write. My neuro just increased my neurontin from 600mg to 900 per day and my my

oxcarbazapine (sp?) from 900mg to 1050,then1200 per day. It is helping but I have nothing for the pain.

I did have imitrex which helped a little but she took that away. I also have tylenol 3 but it does nothing.

Do any of you have pain meds? Thsi is driving me insame! I haven't been able to eat or speak for days.

I know most pain meds don't work but I can't take this much longer!!! Any help yoiu can give me will be

much appreciated.

Take care


Call doctor ASAP and make them call you in some lidocaine mouthwash prescription …no office visit needed! Works instant.
Call neuro, dentist, or primary…any can call it in!

Thank you so much I will give that a try.

Take care


Kc Dancer Kc said:

Call doctor ASAP and make them call you in some lidocaine mouthwash prescription office visit needed! Works instant.
Call neuro, dentist, or primary....any can call it in!

I smoke Medical Marijuana when the pain gets bad. Make sure you go to a dispensary that knows what to give you. I smoke a flower called a Sativa and even if it doesn't take the pain away totally, it takes it away enough so I can eat and it helps me sleep. I do have nights like last night where it wakes me around 3 am and I have to go out on the front porch and take 3 or 4 hits. Then I can usually come in and doze off again.

My other meds are Tegretol 400mg every 12 hours and Lyrica 150mg every 12 hours.

I usually can't eat until around 11:30 am until the morning meds kick in. I keep a tooth brush in my car and when the pain dies down enough I do that too. Ya pain hits a 7 sometimes an 8 when I brush but I go slow in the painful areas.

I hope this helps.


I have TN, TN doesn't have me!

Never give up!

Hi Bels,

I am from Belgium and even so far away, I understand 100 % your feeling, as I had it also recently, going on for hours;

I would have sold my soul, my wife, everything to have the pain stopped. I feel very sorry for all those people who have been tortured in the Middle ages , but also now in our days, all over the world. The tortures are criminals and I wish they all got TN. I am on Gabapentine for a few days only after having Tegetrol for 6 months, which didn't worked any more.

I wish you all the best and hope things will go better soon for you, so that you can go back to normal life.

best regards

Ya the middle ages for any one of us would have sucked big time!

DYANE said:

Hi Bels,

I am from Belgium and even so far away, I understand 100 % your feeling, as I had it also recently, going on for hours;

I would have sold my soul, my wife, everything to have the pain stopped. I feel very sorry for all those people who have been tortured in the Middle ages , but also now in our days, all over the world. The tortures are criminals and I wish they all got TN. I am on Gabapentine for a few days only after having Tegetrol for 6 months, which didn't worked any more.

I wish you all the best and hope things will go better soon for you, so that you can go back to normal life.

best regards

I am so sorry to hear you are going through hell… I would try and ice your face and see if that helps. You also may want to call the Doctor to inform him/her that this combo is not working. Often, they will prescribe a pain killer to deal with break through pain. I experienced this in May 2013. I eventually had MVD surgery and this was almost curative. I am now experiencing dull nagging pain and a periodic tooth ache.

Please hang in there this will pass. Use the ice and call your Doctor exchange and leave a message.


I had unrelenting pain one night and my husband took me to the ER. This doctor knew a lot about TN. He knew that narcotics are not part of the treatment, but…he gave me 2 shots of dilauded and sent me on my way. I was able to get temporary relief and was able to sleep.

What a blessing that the doctor you had was familiar with TN.

Kim said:

I had unrelenting pain one night and my husband took me to the ER. This doctor knew a lot about TN. He knew that narcotics are not part of the treatment, but...he gave me 2 shots of dilauded and sent me on my way. I was able to get temporary relief and was able to sleep.

Hi Eric,

Oh, how I wish Medical Mariquana was legal in my state! It remains stalled in Wisconsin's legislature despite the majority of tax payers wanting it to go through. My children have offered to get it for me but I worry about the consequences if they get caught. I am just coming out my of worst TN attack and now know I have to have some kind of pain back-up plan. My docs are reluctant to give me strong pain meds, I have tylenol3, it might as well have been an M&M for all the good it did!

Thanks for the reponse and take care!


ebyrt said:

I smoke Medical Marijuana when the pain gets bad. Make sure you go to a dispensary that knows what to give you. I smoke a flower called a Sativa and even if it doesn't take the pain away totally, it takes it away enough so I can eat and it helps me sleep. I do have nights like last night where it wakes me around 3 am and I have to go out on the front porch and take 3 or 4 hits. Then I can usually come in and doze off again.

My other meds are Tegretol 400mg every 12 hours and Lyrica 150mg every 12 hours.

I usually can't eat until around 11:30 am until the morning meds kick in. I keep a tooth brush in my car and when the pain dies down enough I do that too. Ya pain hits a 7 sometimes an 8 when I brush but I go slow in the painful areas.

I hope this helps.


I have TN, TN doesn't have me!

Never give up!

Hi Dyane,

I agree whole-heartedly about your wishing TN on the torturers of this world! My Rheumatologist put me on high dose Prednisone for 10 days to quiet the Sjorgren's Syndrome flare which has caused this TN attack. After 1 day it has helped

(I'm here and able to type). But my reaction to Prednisone is never good. He knows that and only orders it when there is no other options. So now I am bracing for weeks of miserable side effects. But anything is better than that pain!

It feels good to know that there are others around the world that understand what I'm going through. My husband is a truly wonderful support but I am losing more friends and it makes me so sad.

I am usually not so depressed but this attack has been hard. I feel shaken and scared.

Thanks again and take care,


ebyrt said:

Ya the middle ages for any one of us would have sucked big time!

DYANE said:

Hi Bels,

I am from Belgium and even so far away, I understand 100 % your feeling, as I had it also recently, going on for hours;

I would have sold my soul, my wife, everything to have the pain stopped. I feel very sorry for all those people who have been tortured in the Middle ages , but also now in our days, all over the world. The tortures are criminals and I wish they all got TN. I am on Gabapentine for a few days only after having Tegetrol for 6 months, which didn't worked any more.

I wish you all the best and hope things will go better soon for you, so that you can go back to normal life.

best regards

Edster said:

I am so sorry to hear you are going through hell… I would try and ice your face and see if that helps. You also may want to call the Doctor to inform him/her that this combo is not working. Often, they will prescribe a pain killer to deal with break through pain. I experienced this in May 2013. I eventually had MVD surgery and this was almost curative. I am now experiencing dull nagging pain and a periodic tooth ache.

Please hang in there this will pass. Use the ice and call your Doctor exchange and leave a message.


Hi Edster,

Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately ice is very bad for me, it can bring on an attack. Surgery is not an option for me. My atypical TN is caused from the neuro damage from my primary Sjogren's Syndrome. But I am so glad your MVD surgery helped! That is fantastic!

Yes, a break through pain med is exactly what I need and am hoping to find with some suggestions from everyone here.

I hope you continue to improve and take care,


shadow2 said:

What a blessing that the doctor you had was familiar with TN.

Kim said:

I had unrelenting pain one night and my husband took me to the ER. This doctor knew a lot about TN. He knew that narcotics are not part of the treatment, but...he gave me 2 shots of dilauded and sent me on my way. I was able to get temporary relief and was able to sleep.
Hi Kim,
I am so glad you had good luck at the ER. I thought about going but wasn't sure I could make the trip. I was afraid I would get stuck it in bright, loud, uncomfortable waiting room and then get told I was drug-seeking. Did they see you right away or did you have to wait for hours?
I also know narcotics are not part of the normal treatment but I think something to take the edge off and let me at least catch my breath would have been very helpful.
Take care and thanks,