Opana (Numorphan)

I was wondering if anyone has ever taken this, either in instant release or time release? If so, what was your experience with it?

Ii have taken this before unfortunatley my insuranse will not cover it even though it is cheaper than my current meds which do not help very much kadian 30mg er 2x day sucks but my doc is unwilling to help any more than that anyways in my experience with our type of pain you will need the 40mg er pills probabley 2 to 3 x a day but very effective and better than most anything I. Have taken


I have now failed Methadone and Morphine, which helped a lot at first, but the effects waned quickly. The dosage of Fentanyl that I was prescribed did not even touch my pain.

I was wondering if you've taken Morphine, or Methadone, and how Opana stacks up with these meds.

My next pain management appointment comes on the 24th. I am going to ask for a rotation of meds, due to what I believe is a tolerance to Methadone. If you've tried Methadone, would Opana be a viable alternative to it?

If anyone else can answer my question, I would also appreciate ANY input on this topic.

Much appreciation on the good question, Crystal. You sort of beat me to the punch on this one. I'd love to know the same thing. Thanks!


It sounds like we are in the same boat for high tolerence. I am actually on morphine right noow but unless I’m taking at least 250mg per day on a good day I am miserable. My doc is only willing to prescribe me 2 30 mg er kadians at this time and it is very frustrating. I thought once I got insurance and the docs figured this out they would understand my pain and actually help. I also have a pinched nerve in my lower back which needs surgery and the gabepentin and nuerontin did absoluetley nothing. I have not taken or will take methadone so as far as that goes I can’t help but for me the 40mg er opanas about 3-4 x a day which is high for a lot of people is one of the only doses and medication that ever came close to make it bearable. Stef at least it sounds like your doc is willing to help you which is great. I have state insurance so its really hard to get good help so most of the time I just ssuffer. I hope you find some relief.