[I have atypical (symptomatic) trigeminal neuralgia in all branches on both sides, and occipital neuralgia on both sides. It's a constant burning/clawing pain that worsens throughout the day - no attacks.]
I went to Mayo Clinic today and saw neurologist/headache specialist Dr. Cheshire. He saw my history and was... silent. His brain was running like crazy, but in the end he had nothing to offer that I hadn't already tried. So I threw a slew of ideas at him: IV lidocaine, IV steroids, rhizotomy, microvascular decompression, balloon decompression, and nerve stimulation. He was only okay with pursuing occipital nerve stimulation. I asked, "What about my trigeminal nerves and facial pain?" His reply was that the occipital nerve is the root and it may have an effect on the trigeminal nerves as well.
Has anyone had experience with a nerve stimulator for neuralgia? How much did it help... or hurt your chronic pain?