Occipital N

I really can’t believe it,occipital neuralgia on the left side.Almost 3 years now dealing with TN1 & 2 on the right side ugh,so difficult.I am off all meds right now not sure what to do. I have not been happy with my doctor at all. No empathy what so ever.I just read muscle relaxer might help,I will be trying that in a minute.I really don’t like to take any drugs as I never know ,since I’m allergic to a lot of drugs.Has anyone had this ?

Yes. I have TN on the left side side and my occipital nerve pain is getting worse. I am also not able to take medication due to side effects and the fact that for some reason they don’t work for me. It’s been 21 years for me. I’had mvd 6 years ago. I still suffer on a daily basis. I also have fibromyalgia. I’m just so tired of hurting all the time. There is nothing left to do for me. I’ve also tried acupuncture, gamma knife, injections and then mvd. Quality of life is not good. Even a lot of my family don’t get it. The gamma knife gave me the most relief. It took about 6 months and I had some relief. Lasted about 18 months and came back with a vengeance.

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Sounds rough. Hopefully you will find some relief.

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I have the same - I have TN and GPN on one side (in remission), ON on the other. I have had huge success with the pain doctor giving me occipital nerve blocks for the ON. Before Covid I went 4 times a year and they really, really helped.
Good luck to you, I hope you find some relief.

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