In September an MRI showed vessels against both the 5th and 7th cranial nerves. Neurologist diagnosed me with TN. I also have eyelid twitching ( both eyes and both upper and lower), pain behind my left ear a lot of the time along with ear pain. Sometimes my face gets flushed and hot for no reason..sometimes just one cheek. The extremely painful hot/searing/knife ripping from the nostril up to the eye is what sent to the doctor in the first place. I had been having random painful attacks that about drop me to me knees for a few years - but not that frequent. Around September they started happening daily, so I got scared and went in. My family Dr. sent me to get another MRI since I had one a few years before that had shown a lesion. The September MRI showed the lesion as stable and inactive, but also showed the 5th and 7th cranial nerve problem, that is how I ended up at the neurologist. She started me on Trileptal. I have frequent headaches and at times my left nostril starts to burn but does not go into a full attack. I feel like a freak with all of these symptoms and wonder what is actually from TN and what is not.
Hi Branflakes,
I’m not a doctor, but most of what you describe sounds like TN.
It can be a dance with the meds at first to find the right one and the right dose that provides relief. Make sure you have good communication with your doctor/neuro to be able to discuss pain management on an ongoing basis.
Check out our sub-groups located under the Groups tab as we have many to join that focus on specific things related to TN.
There’s a lot of information here on this site, you can also do a search by typing in the word(s)
In our search bar upper right of the page.
I hope you start to find relief soon, ((hugs)) Mimi
Thank you Mimi! I will check out the groups tab.
Mimi said:
Hi Branflakes,
I'm not a doctor, but most of what you describe sounds like TN.
It can be a dance with the meds at first to find the right one and the right dose that provides relief. Make sure you have good communication with your doctor/neuro to be able to discuss pain management on an ongoing basis.
Check out our sub-groups located under the Groups tab as we have many to join that focus on specific things related to TN.
There's a lot of information here on this site, you can also do a search by typing in the word(s)
In our search bar upper right of the page.
I hope you start to find relief soon, ((hugs)) Mimi