Hi there.
I have just joined the site and found your page. I have just been diagnosed by my GP as having TN which I believe is V1 from what I have read.
It first happened in about May and was so bad I actually passed out with the pain. It only happened the once and thought nothing else about it.
I then had nothing else until mid October. It happens on my right side from my nose over to my ear and the top of my head. I have a constant headache and get unbearable stabbing behind my eye but also my eye burns. I was first given Tegretol (carbamazapine) but had a very bad reaction to it (itchy and the skin in my mouth blistering and peeling). I have since been given Neurontin (Gabapentin) I am currently taking 600mg a day (200mg 3 times a day) but it doesn't seem to be doing anything to really help just makes me sleepy and tired.
I am not to bad in my house (a couple of attacks a day) but the slightest breeze/cold/draft (we have just ended a British winter so this is constant outside) near my eye or washing my hair or rubbing my eye and it kicks it all off again for days. I am stuck in my house!
I have also been reading up on it and apparently it is rare in people under 40 but I am only 29. Is this right?