New here..child with autism.low verbal,severe face pain

My son is 13 yo. Had a root canal at age 8 from pediatric dentist.3 year nightmare.severe infection went undetected for years despite 6 dentists xraying.I kept insisting it was all connected.Long story short he became catatonic ,brain pressure 55! white lesions on frontal lobe etc etc...incontinent. SEVERE head pain! forward>>>>> tooth removed 2 years ago and he is recovering. NOW he is hav ing pain again about every week or so. It is severe and debilitating.Maybe jaw cavitation and we are booked to see radiologist.MAYBE TN??? TMJ??? How can I tell? if the xray with jaw caviatation machine comes up negative what should be my next step????THANK YOU!!!!

Hello Jamie,

I'm so sorry to hear about your son..It is never easy seeing your child in pain.Your story sounds like mine. I too had an infected root canal tooth which sat for years because several dentists said it WASNT infected because the infection didnt show up on an xray..Finally I begged a dentist to "let" me extract it..I went to an oral surgeon who extracted it and told me was infected..At the time I didnt know he was suppose to scrape the bone to make sure all the infection was gone..To this day I do not know if he did that or not..Needless to say I have jaw pain, gum pain and pain in the tooth which sits next to the empty spot where the root canal was.I also had a wisdom tooth extracted from that area too which also caused pain.My oral surgeon suggested it was an over active nerve and that it would settle in a couple weeks..I was prescribed Amitriptyline .It took the pain away...I stayed on it about 8 months..I quit taking it and the pain was gone..Can you take him to a neurologist? maybe a family doctor? I so hope you find some help for you and your son...

does your area have a FIESTA MRI machine? very comprehensive - more than xray, catscan, or regular MRI