MS related TN

I am wondering who out there might has TN caused by Multiple Sclerosis? I have been told by 3 neurologists that they are 98% sure I have MS, and have been given all of the documentation saying that I do have it. (They would just prefer that I have one more non-TN related relapse to be 100% sure)

Anyway, I digress..... I'm wondering if MS related TN can be treated by the MVD surgery, or any of the other procedures if the TN isn't being caused by a blood vessel touching the nerve?

Right now, I am on two different meds, but I know that they won't keep the TN at bay forever. I would like to look into the procedures but am wondering what other people with MS and TN have done to handle their situations.

Thanks in advance,


Anne-Marie check out our MS group under the groups tab above in the black header bar… Mimi