Motor Cortex Stimulation Surgery Scheduled (TAKE 2) and TURNING THE WORLD TEAL

Thanks to a Crowdfunding page, and the support of the hospital, and my neurosurgeon... I have raised the money necessary for my Motor Cortex Stimulation Surgery. You may recall that it was scheduled for Mid August 2014, but the DAY of the surgery, my insurance pulled the plug. 5 appeals later, they gave the final NO. But that didn't stop me. I NEED this surgery, and I fought to make it happen. Thanks to the kind hearts of family, friends, and amazing strangers, I was able to raise enough money for the surgery. In about two weeks time I will be going in for surgery!!!

In the spirit of TN Awareness, I have dyed my hair TEAL until I have to shave it for surgery. Strangers ask me about it, and I tell them about TN!

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wow ABHiker thats fantastic! Im so happy for you and admire that you didn't give up and fought for your rights! plz keep us updated!

Keep the spirit!! I am so happy for you!!

I pray everything works out well. Please give us an update. God be with you! Your friend, Nancy

wow is right. congratulations on raising the money for MCS. your perseverance is inspiring!

thinking positive thoughts.

All the best of wishes being sent your way for your procedure!
Love the teal hair !! You go Girl! Lots of positive thoughts being sent your way! ((hugs )) Mimi