Let's welcome Wooty from Lakeview, Mi


Hello wooty,

I just wanted to let you know how excited we are that you joined us. Living with Facial Pain is a tight knit community that offers plenty of information and support for our members. I see that you were in a car accident in 2002 and I know that feeling as well. I was also t- boned by a large truck and it was a very painful experience. I can see that the accident is largely to blame for the discomfort you experience and I hope we can offer resources and information here in this community. The search bar is very helpful to look through existing discussions on a particular subject. You may also want to introduce yourself on the discussion board with a New Member Introduction. This way, the other members in the community may be able to offer you advice based on their experiences as well. I will be around as well to answer any questions you have for me, so feel free to ask.

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