Hi there Suzanne, I just wanted to welcome you to Living with Facial Pain. I see that you live in Austin and that is one of my favorite places to go in Texas. It is a very diverse city that has so much to offer. I also see that your surgery is coming up and I wish you all the best. When you are comfortable to get back to the site feel free to explore. I suggest going to the guide tab to get started and using the search bar if you are looking for anything in particular. Please let me know if you have any questions and I hope you have a speedy recovery from your surgery.
Hi Suzanne, Welcome to our world. So sorry that find us because you have this stuff. You I know will find a lot of really nice people here and all of them would help you if they can. Hang tough and don’t let it get you down. Good life to you. Wheels for legs said all that.