I would like to recommend Dr. Michael Lim at Hopkins in Baltimore, MD

Please check into Dr. Lim. He is young but a phemonimal doctor. I cannot say enough about him. He did the glycerol rhizotomy and it worked beautifully for about 7 months. Now I am waiting to see if the pain is back regularly, if so, I will redo the procedure again.


There is one or more video panels he talks about TN on - somewhere here on the web - he was my second choice after Dr. Casey.

I'd like to know a little more about this procedure; will you please provide that info?

Thank you,


I can say that I met with he and his team first. He explains in detail what he will do. He puts you to sleep and injects the needle wakes you up, although you don't remember that and then causes your pain to inject the glycerol. You don't remember that and are put back under while he injects the glycerol. I believe he told me I was out like 2 minutes. You feel a little numb that day and then over the next couple days it wears off. I felt a little pain for a couple of months and then it disappeared. My job is extremely stressful so I am guessing that is why I am starting to have pain again. He told me this is good 6 months to 4 years. I was hoping to get a couple of years but I am still doing pretty good even with the outbreaks.

Are you still dealing with Dr. Lim? I am planning MVD surgery with him, i would like to know how your follow ups have gone, hope you are doing well

Hello. Yes I still deal with his office about things I am feeling and what’s next. They are great. I am really happy with the whole team. Best of luck to you!!

Thanks for the post.

I live in Minnesota, and have had two unsuccessful surgeries at the Mayo Clinic. (MVD and Gamma Knife.)

My NS now said the only possibility for me is a "nerve destruction" procedure, which scares me.

I have been doing a lot of research into other clinics, and Johns Hopkins seems like a good one.


Mary Ann

I did follow up with Dr. Lim and he did do a glycerol rhizotomy for me, however he did not want to continue treatment because the majority of my issues are TN2 related. Just as a note of info, Dr. Lim will only operate on people who have TN1 symptoms only. He has referred me to Dr. Brown in NY, which I will see this week. I was happy with Dr. Lim and the fact that he tried to help me, the only negative I have is that his office visits were very quick and sometimes he ran hours behind the appointment time. The last time I was there for a consult my appointment was for 11am, I did not see him until 3pm. From what I learned he is one of the best so hopefully he can help some of the people on here.


wish i was in the US.

even if i had the ticket and mental force to do it in another country.. i would never have the money.

the insurance won't cover a procedure aboard.

All of my information is being "Hand delivered to Dr. Lim's office" today and they said I will receive an appointment in the very near future. I am both excited and scared!

I've already decided if Dr. Casey retires - and MVD needs done again - Lim will be my guy!

Met with Dr. Lim yesterday. He is ordering a high resolution MRI just to get a better look but I have decided to do the MVD surgery and hope to do it in Feb. or March of 2013. Excited and scared equally.

Dont be scared, I was and it was all for naught. The surgery is no where near as bad as our minds make it out to be. I had more issues from the rhizotomy than the MVD, and I would do both over again any time if needed. I am pain free from the MVD..its so worth it.

Wishing you the best, let us all know when you are scheduled. Dr, Lim will do an excellent job!


jyoung said:

Met with Dr. Lim yesterday. He is ordering a high resolution MRI just to get a better look but I have decided to do the MVD surgery and hope to do it in Feb. or March of 2013. Excited and scared equally.

Wendy, thank you SOO much for your reassuring and calming reply! I really appreciate it and it helps my nerves. I will definitely let you know when it's scheduled.


Feel free to message me, I had Dr. Lim for my rhizotomy, and he sent me to Dr. Brown for the MVD...I have mostly ATN..but Lim was really good, they just dont do the real tough cases at Hopkins since Lim is really a brain surgeon for tumors. You will be fine...I was honestly amazed at how easy it was!!


jyoung said:

Wendy, thank you SOO much for your reassuring and calming reply! I really appreciate it and it helps my nerves. I will definitely let you know when it's scheduled.


Hi I have a consult with Dr Lim Jan 3,2013.What should I expect? I am very nervous about this appointment. I have already seen 2neurologists and a neurosurgeon who recommended MVD. But this appointment has me very upset and scared any advice?

Hi: my MVD with Dr Lim is scheduled for Jan 15th…yikes

My appointment with Lim was pretty short and sweet. I will warn you he is a tall sucker!!! Lol..that took me off guard. I am not sure if you had an MRI yet or not, but take all records with you. I only spent about 15 minutes with him , he is not a talker and all business, but its the results that count. You are not going to get warm and fuzzy with him, but everyone said he is one of the best brain surgeons in the country. He did my rhizotomy and was very good to my father that was with me. Message me if you have any questions, I would be glad to answer..but dont sweat it.


sue how said:

Hi I have a consult with Dr Lim Jan 3,2013.What should I expect? I am very nervous about this appointment. I have already seen 2neurologists and a neurosurgeon who recommended MVD. But this appointment has me very upset and scared any advice?

I have my MRI at Johns Hopkins on January 17th and then a consult directly after with Dr. Lim to schedule my MVD. Sounds like we are keeping Dr. Lim busy and hopefully he is changing our lives!!

Would it be accurate to say that Dr Lim is referring all ATN patients? And mostly to a Dr Brown of NY??? Where is Dr. Brown exactly? What hospital, etc?