How to handle eating&drinking

Hello, everyone. Thank you for adding me to the group. I... have had a year. Starting around February, I had 'normal' TMD/TMJ pain, and went to the ER. The morphine they gave me didn't even touch the pain. I then went into PT, and was released pain-free in May. Things were fine until July... when the shocking/stabbing in the left side of my face started.

Throughout this, I was taking Baclofen (3x a day). That's the only thing I was on, which doesn't currently help my condition.

It's been... I guess, manageable? Until last week, when even drinking (with a straw) and any form of eating causes me to get shocked. This has led me to go into avoidance mode, and stop trying to eat and drink. Obviously I can't stop drinking! I'm in Phoenix, which doesn't help matters. I am trying to get into see my PC this week, and hopefully see a Neuro soon. I just don't know what to do right now. I am getting headaches, and dry eyes/mouth/everything. And holy crap am I hungry :(

I don't want to end up in the ER, but I feel like that might be my only option today. I could really use some tips from people on how they handle eating/drinking with The Pain.

I have had that same issue and I know its miserable just try and get into your doctor as soon as u can cause u can’t go without eating it drinking

I am going thru this (again!) right now and it is truly hell. I do very small bites that I can get in my mouth with barely opening it and not touching my lips on my TN side. I eat soft foods like mashed potatoes, pasta, etc. I do this very slowly. It takes forever. Sometimes I can’t get thru it so I just don’t eat. I use a straw to drink on my non-TN side and if I can’t do that and am really thirsty I dribble it between my lips with the straw. I hope you get your pain under control ASAP. I wish you all the best!

Try protein drinks if you can handle them. There are various makes which contain vitamins and minerals. Hope you are a little better today.

I eat scrambled eggs a lot, and protein shakes, like Mary suggested. I keep my shakes room temperature. Hope you feel better soon!

Have you tried lidocaine face patches. Or lidocaine cream?

Do lidocaine cream and face patches require a prescription? My local pharmacist had nothing over the counter available.