I have just been diagnosed with TN. Strangely enough I had a few episodes but I thought it was a bad tooth. However, there was no swelling like an abcess would have. I also started thinking that it would not numb my face and cause pain the way it was. Finally I had an episode/flare last week where I told my mom I wanted to die rather than deal with it anymore. She took me to the ER where a Neurologist was consulting a different case. It took him 30 seconds to figure out what was going on. They started me on Tegretol and vicodin.
I am on only 300 mg's and increasing to 600 in the next week. Nothing is stopping this pain. Nothing is even duling it. As I type, I can feel the start of a new flare coming up. I get three zapping feelings -- it seems like it happens after I eat. Like 20 minutes after I eat.
How did you all get through the pain until the meds kicked in? How do you deal with breakthrough pain? I want to go into my followup appointment armed with a plan that I hope that the doctor will just rubber stamp. What worked in the early days? Any narcotics that you were on that at least dulled it?
I am also uninsured and unemployed. It is going to be hard to pay for additional appointments, so I am hoping to come with a good plan for now.