Good Article

Read a good article, just wanted to pass on. It’s for medical professionals, so heavily laden with medical terminology .It gives numbers & percentages on treatment options, successes, length of pain relief, side effects, etc. You’ll still get something good out of it.

Thanks for this - hardly anything ever comes out new

This concluded with something Sooooo important!!!!

Many patients will fail medical
management and request some sort of surgical intervention. The vascular compression theory is well accepted and MVD has proven the most efficacious and longest lasting of the surgical options

This conclusion needs to be more out there in the neurology docs!!!!!!

My neurologist, was backing me, and saying I was being really progressive - I think he thought I had big balls to fly out of state, with only 12 months of face hell -- well hell ya --- I didn't want to wait- years = till all meds quit working! And I did NOT want to do gamma, because that makes you in a worse spot for MVD!

When will there be a freakin standard - like so many other diseases have standards, even with variables!

I’m glad you appreciated the article.