
Good morning. Uv had TN for about a year now. I’ve tried tegretol, lyrica, baclefen, and neurotin so far with bad side effects or no relief. I will see my neurologist next week. I just don’t know what to ask him or where to go from here. I have considered asking for a referral to the MAYO since I live in MN but after reading others stories I don’t think surgery is a long time solution either. It seems I must adjust my level of acceptable pain. I also have neck issues and suffer from migraines since childhood.

If your migraines aren't being treated actively, they should be. Migraine is often comorbid with chronic neurological face pain. If it isn't controlled, it tends to become a precipitating trigger for face pain.

If a component of your pain is typical TN with its volleys of electric shock pain, then you might ask the neuro about Trileptal. This med was originallly "tailored" from Tegretol, to generate fewer side effects. If you also have atypical TN with continuous burning and throbbing, then one of the tricyclic antidepressant meds like Amitriptyline or Nortriptyline may be useful in your treatment plan.

Go in Peace and Power
