Fainting and dizziness anybody?

Hi guys last week all of a sudden i fainted out of the blue and since then my stabbing pains have been a lot worse and i have been experiencing really bad dizziness and feeling that i am going to pass out a lot. I have been extremely tired and having to sleep through the day. My head just feels like its all in a muddle and its taking me a while even to write this paragraph. I went to my doc and they say its part of my condition but ive never experienced this before. Has anyone else gone through this before???

That does not sound normal to me. The only thing I can think of is if you just started something like Tegretol. It could explain everything but the fainting. Did you just start any new medications?


No Jenny ive been on the same meds for at least a year, they did put my dose up but that was 3 months ago and ive never had side effects like this before. Thanks for replying im really needing lots of feedback to go back to my docs with!


feafee said:

That does not sound normal to me. The only thing I can think of is if you just started something like Tegretol. It could explain everything but the fainting. Did you just start any new medications?


This is not normal -- you need new docs.....

I would go to ER --fainting is not a symptom of TN -something else is going on.....

if you were my daughter or sister I would insist you go to ER

and then find a doctor that actually knows what the symptoms of TN are!

Keep Posting!

Yes, you could have gotten a concussion when you fainted or something else going on. I really suggest you go to the ER.

Take Care,

Im going through it now. I was talking with friends started laughing and felt a rush to me head and things went black for a minute. I agree things in the head seem muddled, Ive had this before and it will pass in time just make sure you get some sleep. shorting myself on sleef brings it on. I had this before and it lasted a few weeks but it will pass.

Beej, do you think its something to do with the meds? Because in a way that’s what it feels like, like all the side effects have hit me quite bad all of a sudden.

No. Im sure its not the meds. Back before i was diagnosed with TN, I was having this. I was going to the Dentist every other week, xrays and all. But I would have the teeth hurt and the jaw hurt and then the sinuses would start to burn. I lived on anti Biotics for about 4 months last year because the dr was sure it was a sinus infection. But the sinuses will heat up and burn the teeth will feel like lightening hitting them and then i guess from the force of a laughter the pressure would cause things to go black and I would hold onto the wall. since they put me on Gabapentin, those episodes stopped. But the last four days the nerve has been acting up unusually mean. Then tonight the black out episodes start if I start laughing. so I try never to laugh. But i know in taking my meds and getting 10 hours of sleep it will pass. Its just a reward for getting this stuff.

Beej said:

Im not sure going to an ER will do anything but empty your wallet, you should talk to your dr. but at an ER unless they are trained they will run some tests tell you to talk to your home dr. and hit you with a bill.

That sounds awful beej, especially when you worry about every time you laugh you will black out. I really feel for you. When I fainted I was out for about 10 minutes according to husband and its since then I feel that’s its going to happen again and my balance is off and my tn pain is worse that is why I thought it could be linked. Maybe it could be stress though?

Yes i woud see your dr. as soon as possible. I know when Im stressed my TN does act up big time. But I have never gone out for a long period of time. Ive been able to feel it coming on hold on to the wall till it passes. but afterwards i do act like im tipsy for a while, muddled thinking but totally aware of whats happening. I am a firm believer that stress can set episodes of TN off. Best cure I know is stay on the meds, Get good uninterupted sleep, and find ways to relax.

Yea the reason I mentioned stress is because I was told it could be down to stress although I do not feel stresses at all do you have balance problems at all? What about confusion at times and forgetfulness? It’s good to talk to someone else that knows how bad this feels and were not actually going mad!

I am forgetful but then looking at side effects of gabapentin it says that a person can be forgetful. On that drug I have about every side effect. Lol. Yes I’ve tried adjusting my meds a bit, but honestly the best for me is stay on meds, get good sleep, and I have found out that doing 15 minutes a day on a treadmill or eliptical helps. Yesterday was a bad day, very bad. But took two Tylenol pm went to bed, I feel like a new day. I’m going to try and give up my vice of caffeine see if I notice a change. I have read where some have claimed its helped. But, like someone pointed out, it feels like a personal journey at times. I have one ailment someone else is different. Some of that also is because of drug side effects, and stress levels activity levels and climate. See cold or extreme heat it will hit me hard. And I found out ice cream sets it off. Honestly is keep a journal. Try writing down when it hits what you had been doing before it hit activities or food. Try to se if there might be comon threads. I’m finding, it’s important to be pro active with this.

Sorry you are going through this! When I read that you feel faint when laughing, it made me think of something. My friends son has something called cataplexy (not sure of the spelling). He would lose consciousness when laughing too. It is actually a sleep,related disorder. The fact that you say you know you can stop the fainting attacks if you get enough sleep sounds like a connection. I would definitely look into this!
All the best