Dosage of Gabapentin/Neurontin?

Those of you who take Neurontin/Gabapentin to help with TN or ATN- what dosage do you take?

I know it will vary for everyone- . I am on 900...... Just wondering "averages" here......

Thank you-

beekeeper. xx

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I was on 1800 mg a day, but now I've gone down to 1200mg a day. For ATN I take amitriptyline. I don't know how effective it is because I still had my merry-go-round of pain but not so bad I couldn't stand it. But since it is an antidepressant, I did not care. (small joke). On the other hand, I've had better sleep than I've had in years. I'm not sure which the carabamizepine is supposed to help, but for right now it's helping all my ATN pains.

Wow- that's I think twice of what I am taking- would send my mania through the roof....... sigh.

I don't know what I am going to do--- Amiltriptyline does the same thing-- and Tegretol is OUT.........

This just feels ...... like I am being sucked down a whirlpool. :P

I am on 900mg/day also. Diagnosed recently after fall. I can sure feel the pain if I miss a dose.

Hi Beekeeper

I take 3,600 gabapentin but it took me a long time to reach that dose and be able to live functionally. I was told that 1,800 was the magic number to find real relief. But you just can’t jump up to that especially if you are having other issues. Are you taking your 900 3x3 a day?. In the beginning I took my larger portion at night to help build it up in my brain.

Did you keep a pain diary listing the meds and what effect you thought it had? It’s very important for the neuro to know at what dosage you thought you felt some relief.

I’m glad your mother is going to your appointment with you. Is she willing to read all the information in the info tab on this site? It would be helpful. Also ask her to take notes. A lot goes on during these appointments and its hard to remember.

Also please prepare yourself. If you really do believe it is ATN and that gabapentin has begun to give you some relief, STICK to your story.

Don’t go wandering off into “what if its all just a root canal” if you really don’t believe that’s the case. Stick to what you know in your own gut.

You don’t need the best neuro in the world, you just need a neuro willing to listen and willing to learn and ask colleagues if he needs to.


Thank you so much Bellalarke. xx -- I have noticed some help w/ 900 mg and the face stuff that has baclofen etc.. in it... good grief-- if I took as much as you are on-- I would be in a psych ward...LOL........ Waiting for psychiatrist to call to see if there is a drug to off-set the mood bouncing the neurontin is causing.... HIGHS and LOWS-- nothing mid ground-- and neither are pleasant. I will take a note book to take notes.... I don't know if I should ask for an MRI-- I still haven't had one.... As for my mom reading stuff about these things--- uh-- NO. LOL. She will just be back there to be a second pair of ears to here what is said by him- and me....... She hates doctors... As I have said- if you are also bipolar- it is so much harder to get help--- for anything....... xx ((hugs)) beekeeper

Bellalarke said:

Hi Beekeeper

I take 3,600 gabapentin but it took me a long time to reach that dose and be able to live functionally. I was told that 1,800 was the magic number to find real relief. But you just can't jump up to that especially if you are having other issues. Are you taking your 900 3x3 a day?. In the beginning I took my larger portion at night to help build it up in my brain.

Did you keep a pain diary listing the meds and what effect you thought it had? It's very important for the neuro to know at what dosage you thought you felt some relief.

I'm glad your mother is going to your appointment with you. Is she willing to read all the information in the info tab on this site? It would be helpful. Also ask her to take notes. A lot goes on during these appointments and its hard to remember.

Also please prepare yourself. If you really do believe it is ATN and that gabapentin has begun to give you some relief, STICK to your story.
Don't go wandering off into "what if its all just a root canal" if you really don't believe that's the case. Stick to what you know in your own gut.

You don't need the best neuro in the world, you just need a neuro willing to listen and willing to learn and ask colleagues if he needs to.


Well Beekeeper, your mother will have to be the set of ears and eyes. But be aware of her attitude and if she is full of resentment for your neuro just keep that in mind and don’t let it drag you down.

I do understand about your bi-polar issue in that my dearest childhood friend has similar issues. So be in charge! Be as clear as you can that you do believe this is a neurological issue and you have proof in decreased pain since beginning gabapentin.

Gabapentin really takes some getting used to, let me tell you:-) it can feel quite deadening in the beginning (and I am talking about a long beginning here for me) but I did recognize that it works and so have struggled through. BTW, it is also therapeutic for fibromyalgia for some people, I have had some relief there. But don’t get me wrong, bad days are bad days. It isn’t a magic bullet. The stronger you begin to feel though, the more normal your activities become, and that helps with pain as well. You can get better with effort and tracking your meds and writing down what makes you feel better, what makes you feel worse. You might always be tweaking your medication with activity levels, but it can be done and you can get out and breath fresh air like anyone else./>

beekeeper said:

Thank you so much Bellalarke. xx – I have noticed some help w/ 900 mg and the face stuff that has baclofen etc… in it… good grief-- if I took as much as you are on-- I would be in a psych ward…LOL… Waiting for psychiatrist to call to see if there is a drug to off-set the mood bouncing the neurontin is causing… HIGHS and LOWS-- nothing mid ground-- and neither are pleasant. I will take a note book to take notes… I don’t know if I should ask for an MRI-- I still haven’t had one… As for my mom reading stuff about these things— uh-- NO. LOL. She will just be back there to be a second pair of ears to here what is said by him- and me… She hates doctors… As I have said- if you are also bipolar- it is so much harder to get help— for anything… xx ((hugs)) beekeeper

Bellalarke said:

Hi Beekeeper

I take 3,600 gabapentin but it took me a long time to reach that dose and be able to live functionally. I was told that 1,800 was the magic number to find real relief. But you just can’t jump up to that especially if you are having other issues. Are you taking your 900 3x3 a day?. In the beginning I took my larger portion at night to help build it up in my brain.

Did you keep a pain diary listing the meds and what effect you thought it had? It’s very important for the neuro to know at what dosage you thought you felt some relief.

I’m glad your mother is going to your appointment with you. Is she willing to read all the information in the info tab on this site? It would be helpful. Also ask her to take notes. A lot goes on during these appointments and its hard to remember.

Also please prepare yourself. If you really do believe it is ATN and that gabapentin has begun to give you some relief, STICK to your story.
Don’t go wandering off into “what if its all just a root canal” if you really don’t believe that’s the case. Stick to what you know in your own gut.

You don’t need the best neuro in the world, you just need a neuro willing to listen and willing to learn and ask colleagues if he needs to.


After getting off the phone w/ my mother-- yeah- I am a bit scared to take her back now.......

I don't have ANYONE else-- but she is likely to tell him to go to Hell and burn there if he gets a bit horsey....


Bellalarke said:

Well Beekeeper, your mother will have to be the set of ears and eyes. But be aware of her attitude and if she is full of resentment for your neuro just keep that in mind and don't let it drag you down.

I do understand about your bi-polar issue in that my dearest childhood friend has similar issues. So be in charge! Be as clear as you can that you do believe this is a neurological issue and you have proof in decreased pain since beginning gabapentin.

Gabapentin really takes some getting used to, let me tell you:-) it can feel quite deadening in the beginning (and I am talking about a long beginning here for me) but I did recognize that it works and so have struggled through. BTW, it is also therapeutic for fibromyalgia for some people, I have had some relief there. But don't get me wrong, bad days are bad days. It isn't a magic bullet. The stronger you begin to feel though, the more normal your activities become, and that helps with pain as well. You can get better with effort and tracking your meds and writing down what makes you feel better, what makes you feel worse. You might always be tweaking your medication with activity levels, but it can be done and you can get out and breath fresh air like anyone else./>

beekeeper said:

Thank you so much Bellalarke. xx -- I have noticed some help w/ 900 mg and the face stuff that has baclofen etc.. in it... good grief-- if I took as much as you are on-- I would be in a psych ward...LOL........ Waiting for psychiatrist to call to see if there is a drug to off-set the mood bouncing the neurontin is causing.... HIGHS and LOWS-- nothing mid ground-- and neither are pleasant. I will take a note book to take notes.... I don't know if I should ask for an MRI-- I still haven't had one.... As for my mom reading stuff about these things--- uh-- NO. LOL. She will just be back there to be a second pair of ears to here what is said by him- and me....... She hates doctors... As I have said- if you are also bipolar- it is so much harder to get help--- for anything....... xx ((hugs)) beekeeper

Bellalarke said:

Hi Beekeeper

I take 3,600 gabapentin but it took me a long time to reach that dose and be able to live functionally. I was told that 1,800 was the magic number to find real relief. But you just can't jump up to that especially if you are having other issues. Are you taking your 900 3x3 a day?. In the beginning I took my larger portion at night to help build it up in my brain.

Did you keep a pain diary listing the meds and what effect you thought it had? It's very important for the neuro to know at what dosage you thought you felt some relief.

I'm glad your mother is going to your appointment with you. Is she willing to read all the information in the info tab on this site? It would be helpful. Also ask her to take notes. A lot goes on during these appointments and its hard to remember.

Also please prepare yourself. If you really do believe it is ATN and that gabapentin has begun to give you some relief, STICK to your story.
Don't go wandering off into "what if its all just a root canal" if you really don't believe that's the case. Stick to what you know in your own gut.

You don't need the best neuro in the world, you just need a neuro willing to listen and willing to learn and ask colleagues if he needs to.


Just diagnosed last week. I am taking 600 mg day.

Oh dear, your Mother might do more harm than good with that attitude…

beekeeper said:

After getting off the phone w/ my mother-- yeah- I am a bit scared to take her back now…

I don’t have ANYONE else-- but she is likely to tell him to go to Hell and burn there if he gets a bit horsey…


Bellalarke said:

Well Beekeeper, your mother will have to be the set of ears and eyes. But be aware of her attitude and if she is full of resentment for your neuro just keep that in mind and don’t let it drag you down.

I do understand about your bi-polar issue in that my dearest childhood friend has similar issues. So be in charge! Be as clear as you can that you do believe this is a neurological issue and you have proof in decreased pain since beginning gabapentin.

Gabapentin really takes some getting used to, let me tell you:-) it can feel quite deadening in the beginning (and I am talking about a long beginning here for me) but I did recognize that it works and so have struggled through. BTW, it is also therapeutic for fibromyalgia for some people, I have had some relief there. But don’t get me wrong, bad days are bad days. It isn’t a magic bullet. The stronger you begin to feel though, the more normal your activities become, and that helps with pain as well. You can get better with effort and tracking your meds and writing down what makes you feel better, what makes you feel worse. You might always be tweaking your medication with activity levels, but it can be done and you can get out and breath fresh air like anyone else./>

beekeeper said:

Thank you so much Bellalarke. xx – I have noticed some help w/ 900 mg and the face stuff that has baclofen etc… in it… good grief-- if I took as much as you are on-- I would be in a psych ward…LOL… Waiting for psychiatrist to call to see if there is a drug to off-set the mood bouncing the neurontin is causing… HIGHS and LOWS-- nothing mid ground-- and neither are pleasant. I will take a note book to take notes… I don’t know if I should ask for an MRI-- I still haven’t had one… As for my mom reading stuff about these things— uh-- NO. LOL. She will just be back there to be a second pair of ears to here what is said by him- and me… She hates doctors… As I have said- if you are also bipolar- it is so much harder to get help— for anything… xx ((hugs)) beekeeper

Bellalarke said:

Hi Beekeeper

I take 3,600 gabapentin but it took me a long time to reach that dose and be able to live functionally. I was told that 1,800 was the magic number to find real relief. But you just can’t jump up to that especially if you are having other issues. Are you taking your 900 3x3 a day?. In the beginning I took my larger portion at night to help build it up in my brain.

Did you keep a pain diary listing the meds and what effect you thought it had? It’s very important for the neuro to know at what dosage you thought you felt some relief.

I’m glad your mother is going to your appointment with you. Is she willing to read all the information in the info tab on this site? It would be helpful. Also ask her to take notes. A lot goes on during these appointments and its hard to remember.

Also please prepare yourself. If you really do believe it is ATN and that gabapentin has begun to give you some relief, STICK to your story.
Don’t go wandering off into “what if its all just a root canal” if you really don’t believe that’s the case. Stick to what you know in your own gut.

You don’t need the best neuro in the world, you just need a neuro willing to listen and willing to learn and ask colleagues if he needs to.
