My Dr. said that the surgery is only an option if they can see something compressing the nerve; is that true? Or is there any other reason they would do it?
Thank you.
My Dr. said that the surgery is only an option if they can see something compressing the nerve; is that true? Or is there any other reason they would do it?
Thank you.
They never could see anything on any of my scans before my mvd but once they got in there they found compression plus some weird scar tissue/adhesion/spider webby type stuff all over the place in there. There’s a lot that can’t be seen on scans.
Doctors who are up to date on MVDs - or who have been specializing in them for years do not use MRI scans -- please find another doc.
Most compressions are not seen on MRI - they mainly use them to rule out Brain Tumor or MS disease.
Studies say that getting the MVD in the first 3 years upon onset - have the best results -- but results are still better odds in the first 7 years than if you wait and wait.
If you can't find a surgeon in your area who has done many MVDs -- you might have to go to another area or state....look under our doctors tab above! : )
Where are you located tooyoungtosuffer? Maybe folks on here can help you find a doctor who fits your needs better.
Hi, I’m having mvd soon, with no visible compressions on my MRI.
As Kim (KC ) said, you might want to get another opinion from another neurosurgeon.
I have read many personal stories on this site and others where no compression was found until they performed mvd.
((Hugs)) Mimi
Most of the time they CAN'T see a compression....even with the FIESTA mri. They don't usually see it until they get in there. My neurosurgeon said that because they hardly ever see one, that it's kind of fun for them when they DO see one. IDK where you doc got his info from. I would go somewhere else and get a 2nd opinion.
I see an excellent neurologist for my TN, though I do think that it would be wise of me to consult with a neurosurgeon. Thank you all for your insight. (:
My neurologist did not really want to refer me to a surgeon, so I went to one of the leading experts in MVD on my own. There was no compression showing on my original MRI, but the high resolution one I had at the surgeons office did show a vein compression . When I had the surgery, my doctor found there was one vein lying on top of the nerve, and one pulsing up against it . More than the MRI showed, for sure. I really think the only doctor who can help you decide about surgery is a surgeon with lots of experience with MVD.
Best of luck!
I actually went to a neurosurgeon before i went to a neurolgist I found the surgeon from this website actually And it is important the type of mri you have I had a reg mri that showed no compression then a 3tesla mri that did show compressions! and the mri place said they saw nothing but the surgeon found the compressions I will not currently do surgery I have type 2 pain I have heard people on here say they have had a mvd without showing compressions because they exhausted everything else good luck I hope you find a answer soon keep us posted!!