I'm fairly new to GPN (4/14)- though I've had trigeminal neuralgia since 2005. The GPN is making it twice as bad with the mouth/throat/ear pain . My mouth pain includes extremely painful/ sensitive back / upper teeth on the GPN side. I think they are going to be non-touchable at the dentist appt. Does anyone else have issues with the dentist , how do you deal with it , & how often do you go?
Yes I have ha bilateral gnp for 6 years and going to the dentist is really hard I have had to change my dentist as they didn’t understand the pain I went though each time I went now with my new one I only go when I need to which really helps
I've needed to go a few times with my TN - bilateral. If you're dentist isn't across your condition - email them a few articles and how it affects you personally. Let them know about your condition and what works for you. I found the more numb it is the better I go. I'm better with firm movements rather than light touch. Light touch sends me off like a rocket as do cold instruments, cold rinses and the suction hose things. I rinse in warm, instruments, warm and my dentist has a really sick sense of humour - that way we're both less terrified. I tend to go when I need to - ie. cracked cusps, fillings required etc. and get the cleaning done with a minimalist approach. Hope this helps..
The only joke on this I know......understood by those of us who have it.
Patient goes to the dentist who says" how are your teeth? Ha Ha! as if you would know!"
I have MS, TN, GN, bilateral worse on the left. TL, is yours seasonal? If so go to the dentist on the off season, I go yearly in the winter. And, I have asked the hygienist to pull through when she flosses not up, less trauma. Worrying about it as you know can trigger some of the MS symptoms. I think we have one other MS,GN,TN on this site. Oh, I take extra medications prior to the dentist and sometimes it just triggers pain that I get days later and for that I email them for next time to take it easier on me. Good luck.
My neuro (who also has TN) how lucky am I, put me onto Sensodyne - not sure if its called the same in the states. It doesn't stop the TN, but I have noticed I get more flare ups when I'm not using it. She also stressed its really important to maintain the dental hygiene otherwise you end up with the chicken and egg scenario with one setting the other off.. I'm up for a session on Friday which I've only postponed three times so far - my dentist knows I love him really LOL.
The dentist is something I’m trying to figure out myself. I recently ended up having a root canal for a molar on the affected side. It hurt all the time and I didn’t realize until a chunk broke off that there was a problem. I had a bad flare up after going of not only my TN, but also my GPN & VN which I hadn’t had since MVD surgery 4 years earlier and thought was cured. It wasn’t too uncomfortable during the procedure, but I’ve put off going back to get the final cap because I’ve been in so much pain. The thought of someone touching that area… No.
You poor thing. I know what you mean though. I always feel like I'm playing dare whenever I go. I"m up tomorrow and petrified its going t set me off again... Lots of hugs and empathy :)
The problem I've had is the Pregabalin they have me on seems to not allow the Freezing to work. After 2-1/2 hours of trying to Freeze me, they said they would have to schedule me for another time while they work with my doctor to figure out how to move forward. I made the decision right there and then to let them proceed with the Root Canal right then, even though they could not freeze me. Wow! What was a challenge that turned out to be. Made it thru it though. Other than that, I can't say I have an elevated sensitivity to GPN pain as triggered by the contact anywhere in my mouth or teeth.
Yes that help a lot. Thank you Smiley. Smiley said:
Hi TL,
I've needed to go a few times with my TN - bilateral. If you're dentist isn't across your condition - email them a few articles and how it affects you personally. Let them know about your condition and what works for you. I found the more numb it is the better I go. I'm better with firm movements rather than light touch. Light touch sends me off like a rocket as do cold instruments, cold rinses and the suction hose things. I rinse in warm, instruments, warm and my dentist has a really sick sense of humour - that way we're both less terrified. I tend to go when I need to - ie. cracked cusps, fillings required etc. and get the cleaning done with a minimalist approach. Hope this helps..
There are different procedires performed on the GPN.
One is a MVD and the otherone is a Rhizotomy.
I had a MVD a few months ago because my surgeon does not do rhizotomies (doesn`t have the experience nor equipment).
What my surgeos in Germany told me was, that a rizotomy is a good procedure for MS patients because their GPN is anyways damaged and is not repairable like a nerve compression.