Anyone with TN from Lyme Disease? (Especially in the UK)

Hi, I only discovered tonight that there is a connection between Lyme Disease and TN. It doesn't seem to be common, but then, they don't seem to be very good at diagnosing Lyme Disease, so I'm not sure how valid that is!

I spent my whole childhood in and out the Scottish Highlands, chest-high in bracken, and ticks were a way of life - we had to constantly de-tick our dogs. I never recall being bitten by a tick but it was infinitely possible, since you don't always know you've been bitten. Likewise, I spent the best part of my adult life walking recreationally along tow-paths and the like, so ticks could have been a possibility then too.

I have a lot of at the symptoms of long-standing Lyme disease, such as joint pain, panic attacks, insomnia, IBS and tremor - a new problem for me - so now, of course, I'm wondering....

My question is do any of you have Lyme Disease? Have you ever been tested for it? What ARE the tests and are they as unreliable as people claim them to be?

I know there's a bit of a 'fashionable' movement in the US to claim longstanding chronic Lyme Disease as an unrecognised illness but it seems to be very controversial and not generally believed in by conventional medicine.

I'd be happy to hear from anyone with a Lyme Disease diagnosis or anyone who knows about the testing in the UK. Thanks!