I apologise greatly for my delayed reply and this new website has me even more confused. I couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t get on the old site, now I know.it doesn’t exist anymore!!! I come from a long list of bad genes. I always say that you can’t bet bad breeding when someone asks me how I ended up sick all of a sudden. Immune problems are the major factor in my mother’s side. Fibromyalgia, MS, sjogrens, RA , osteoporosis. My mother has sjogrens and RA, diagnosed in early 40s but suffered since early 30s. I am now waiting on a rheumy appointment as my own gp suspects sjogrens as does my gastro. It’s never ending really. I do like to keep all these specialists guessing, passes the time. Also suffer from migraines again only recently enough and haven’t had them since early teens. While my TN has taken a sabbatical, these headaches, dry mouth and eyes, fatigue, unknown stomach pain, bad muscle aches with no injury and a constant brain fog tend to keep me occupied. I really do think in my own personal case, once I hit 21 (5 years ago) and had the shingles (torso) that it has all been slowly at first but now, progressively down hill with my immune system. It doesn’t know it’s top from its tail anymore.
Hi Virginia_girl, I have Sjogren’s Syndrome which is an auto-immune disease causing inflammation of the joints and nerve issues like TN, as well as causing chronic fatigue. I also have low thyroid, which is an auto-immune issue, and can also cause nerve pain. It’s not so uncommon for them to go together.