Anesthesia Dolorosa

Can anyone describe Anesthesia Dolorosa pain/sensation/etc. to me in detail? I need to return to my neurosurgeon for, likely, Gamma Knife and he previously indicated I could end up with this. Right now I can't speak or laugh or smile so which is worse?

Take care


Anesthesia Dolorosa is for many people worse than primary nerve pain. Most of those who have it describe a combination of surface numbness to light touch, combined with constant deep, burning pain in underlying regions. AD is also sometimes called "deafferentiation" pain, and it's an absolute bear to treat. Be advised also, that Gamma Knife has a very mixed record in both typical and atypical TN patients. The practice standards of the International Radio Surgery Association indicate that half of all successful GK patients relapse into pain within three years. If you are medically able to go through general anesthesia, the record for MVD is better,though patients with constant burning pain don't do as well as those with classic electric-shock volleys of typical TN.

Regards, Red

I had gamma knife and received absolutely no relief. My pain is classified as neuropathic pain. I have numbness and a feeling of pulling along with numbness. I have now been pre approved for peripheral nerve stimulation in my cheek. Any info regarding placement and time to recover from the procedure would be greatly appreciated. Also I have heard that it has a tendency to migrate. Mayo Clinic apparently has a new procedure to anchor it. Thus preventing migration. I am very anxious at this point that it may not help.

There are several forms of peripheral nerve stimulation, Carey. I recently posted an article to the Face Pain Info tab, reporting our results from a survey of our members and a partial review of medical literature. In general, the outcomes of surgically implanted INTERNAL PNS devices are significantly more consistent than those of external devices. If you'd like to talk with an expert in this area, I know a physician who has been implanting such devices for several years. If you'll send a contact email address to my account at ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■, I'll forward it to him to see if he's available to correspond with you. Because he's very good, he's BUSY, so I can't make promises on his behalf.

Regards, Red

Hi Carey,

I'm curious what your pain was like prior to the Gamma Knife. I ask because it's difficult for me to understand why/how anyone with severe TN or ATN or even AD wouldn't be grateful for numbness and even a pulling sensation as opposed to the 'other pain' described ...also my pain is so debilitating that I can't go in public due to incapacitating pain when speaking and smiling. Take care, Prudence

Carey Larsen said:

I had gamma knife and received absolutely no relief. My pain is classified as neuropathic pain. I have numbness and a feeling of pulling along with numbness. I have now been pre approved for peripheral nerve stimulation in my cheek. Any info regarding placement and time to recover from the procedure would be greatly appreciated. Also I have heard that it has a tendency to migrate. Mayo Clinic apparently has a new procedure to anchor it. Thus preventing migration. I am very anxious at this point that it may not help.

Hi Carey
I have had a PNS for two years. I would be happy to answer any questions you might have. Just send me a friend request.