My initial neuro appt is ten days away...but i've been getting some odd sensations and a few random pains on the other side of my face now. I've been going crazy looking up everything i can about TN. I couldn't help but notice that i seemed to fit into a criteria that had a high risk of MS as the cause (my age mainly) That led me to a list of early MS signs which got me nervous. I have been soooo tired for the past few months not to mention the unexplained weight loss (around 40 lbs since Christmas). I've had random twitches in my hands and legs...and I sometimes feel like a have bugs crawling on me when i go to bed at night. There have been numerous occasions since sometime before Christmas where i thought I was almost passing out (I suddenly got extremely lightheaded,everything would spin and my hearing went fuzzy... then everything got tingly before slowly going back to normal) I have no interest in being intimate with my fiance anymore. It hurts him soo much and that hurts me! Also as embarrassing as this is to admit I have not made it to the bathroom more than a few times when I got a sudden strong urge to pee. I could go on and on. I never thought any of it could be connected. I figured since it went away I didn't have to worry about it. But now I am VERY worried. I just don't want to sound like a hypochondriac to the neuro. This is my first appt. ever and i haven't even received an "official" TN diagnosis and i feel like if I go tell the doc all this they'll think I'm some pill addict or something and not take me seriously. When in reality I dread the idea of never being able to function normally without meds :( I don't really know what I'm asking here...I just feel so alone in all this. Any advice? What should I do? Focus on the face pain only? Or mention the other things too? Could I just be imagining this??
Hi BriBri, sorry to hear you are having these problems. I just want to say tell your neurologist all of your symptoms.
He/She will probably want to run tests to narrow down what is causing your problems. If you feel you need help
sooner, don't hesitate to see your primary doc or visit the ER. There are others here who may have more or
better advise for you. You are not alone. We take you seriously! hang in there.
just MHO. Chuck Wickwire
Thank you! That really does mean a lot just to hear that I'm not crazy! And yea waiting ten days (after a month of worsening pain) seems like a lifetime but I'm going to try and hold out the best I can. The Emergency Room here is known for their "non-quality" care. And, thats saying it nicely. lol. I was there a few weeks ago dehydrated, not able to eat and in severe pain and they did no tests...just rushed me out the door with some antibiotics and vicodin. Luckily, Urgent Care listened to me...thats how i got my referral to the neurologist. Within minutes the doctor told me he had a pretty good idea what was going on. I suppose if it gets too unbearable i could go back there but i figure they'll just tell me to try to survive until my appointment. I don't know what I would do if i didn't find this site! You guys are a great shoulder to lean on!
okachuck said:
Hi BriBri, sorry to hear you are having these problems. I just want to say tell your neurologist all of your symptoms.
He/She will probably want to run tests to narrow down what is causing your problems. If you feel you need help
sooner, don't hesitate to see your primary doc or visit the ER. There are others here who may have more or
better advise for you. You are not alone. We take you seriously! hang in there.
just MHO. Chuck Wickwire
BriBri, I just now noticed your post. All of your symptoms also are symptoms of hypothyroid or fibromyalgia, so you are not imagining it, but don't jump right to MS. They are also symptoms of low vitamin D3, so you should be on at least 1ooo IU of that daily. It has been found that D3 can help the central nervous system so much that it can prevent MS. Vitamin B complex can also help with the tingling and jerking and nerve pain, as can magnesium and calcium. How was your Neuro appointment?
Best wishes, Sheila
hi Bri, ive just seen your post and was wondering how you got on at hospital?, i too am worried about MS, i have all the same symptoms as yourself, ive only had TN two months but already its on both sides of my face which apparently is a sign of MS and im also only 35 which is when MS starts to present. my GP has refered me to neurologist and i havent mentioned all the additional symptoms because i always feel like im lying when i talk to a doctor,...its the way they look at you:)
Sheila, just read this. Thank you for the heads up. I will start taking my vitamin D again.
Sheila W. said:
BriBri, I just now noticed your post. All of your symptoms also are symptoms of hypothyroid or fibromyalgia, so you are not imagining it, but don't jump right to MS. They are also symptoms of low vitamin D3, so you should be on at least 1ooo IU of that daily. It has been found that D3 can help the central nervous system so much that it can prevent MS. Vitamin B complex can also help with the tingling and jerking and nerve pain, as can magnesium and calcium. How was your Neuro appointment?
Best wishes, Sheila