12 months post-op MVD/ 1 year anniversary

I wish things were better for you Mimi, I can't imagine bilateral. What day was yours on again? Mine was april 15th last year. Seemed like there were a bunch of us within a week of that and most of us are still in pain :(

You're always so supportive and positive, thanks for being you.

Paddy, thanks for your encouraging words…I especially agree with " it’s the quickest way to being cheerful again" it’s so very true.
Sometimes it takes me a few hours to get out of a funk, but it can also take days! Considering what most of us go through, that’s to be expected I guess.
I hope you’re doing well Paddy, thanks for your note.
(( hugs )) Mimi

Shindig, mine was April 9th…there were quite a few of us weren’t there?!

I’m lucky actually because my right side is fairly quiet, I do worry if I should be looking into MVD on that side before it becomes med resistant, if it ever does…
I’ve never had pain on both sides at once until this week! It felt like a migraine but in my face from eyebrows to jawline…really weird, and painful enough that I just went to bed and passed out, slept a good 4 hours! I really hope that doesn’t happen again!
I hope you’re getting some relief Shindig, are you able to work at all?
We’re in this together…we’ll get through… (( hugs )) Mimi

I had 2 days last week I just came home and went to bed at 6pm and slept until the next day.

I got really lucky with timing. I got hired the week before I had my MVD as a game developer. I started 9 days after surgery and have been hanging on since. Since it's something I really enjoy it's been more tolerable. It's very low stress and distracts me from the pain a lot. I also am pumped up on so many drugs, the anti depressants do help a lot with the pain. I also smoke a lot of pot which helps stay positive.

For some reason the weekends are the worst for me pain wise.

Before the MVD I was ready to die, I was financially and emotionally exhausted, I could only work a couple hours a day, and I did manual labor jobs which were tedious, hanging and finishing drywall, etc.