Hello everyone.
I'm new here. I was just diagnosed with TN2 and also have ADHD.
Here's my crazy story:
2001 - Age 18- Intense crazy face pain that had me falling to the ground. Went to the dentist, nothing wrong. Went to GM, he said TMJD and gave me celebrex - which is an arthritis medicine. Pain gone. Good enough.
2013 - February - Age 29 - Out in Sunny San Diego and a cool breeze wrapped around the building and hit my left cheek. Sharp nerve pain. Pain got worse and worse until I couldn't take it anymore and packed the kids up in the car and headed home to get some motrin.
2013 - March - Age 29 - Went to the dentist as I was sure it was tooth pain. I've always had bad teeth. Dentist found nothing in the area where I was feeling pain, mostly in my lower jaw but not one tooth specifically. He found a shadow on my Xray in the upper jaw and told me to see an oral surgeon.
2013 March - Went to see the oral surgeon who stated I had a cyst and needed it removed. The cyst had also killed a tooth that would need a root canal. Had to go to the endodontist first.
2013 April - Root canal. Root canal got infected. Face swelled. ER twice because of the pain.
2013 April - Oral surgery to remove cyst. Found that the cyst had caused osteo necrosis and there was a huge hole the size of a brussel sprout in my upper mandible. Bone graft was inserted.
2013 November -Age 30 - Check up for oral surgery post op - bone graft functioning...but second tooth had died because of cyst.
2013 November - Root canal.
2014 February - Monday night: Eating soup. Familiar pain came whipping back and the shocks were undeniable and terrible.
2014 February - Tuesday night - pain getting worse and took left over vicodin from root canal. No relief.
2014 February - Wednesday - Went to dentist because I was sure it was the root canal or bone graft. All checked out fine. No infection, no dental reason for pain.
2014 February - Thursday - Accupuncture. No relief.
2014 February - Friday - Psychiatrist - (for my ADHD meds and monthly checkup)...told my doc what I was feeling and he said no doubt, Trigeminal Neuralgia...pulled out the medical books...showed me the cranial nerve and I told him where I was feeling pain - it was in all three regions. He said go to the neuro, if he doesn't fix it, then psych will give me neuro meds because pain is real.
Saturday-Sunday - bedridden all day. Couldn't get in to neuro. Severe crippling insane pain. Hours in the shower crying.
Monday - GM appointment and hoping for a quick referral and appointment to see the neuro.
Pain has decreased a lot thank God! Its there, but not knowing me down. I am so sad and scared. I am a military spouse, mother of two boys that are 7 and 6, I own a small business and I'm in graduate school. This week has totally affected my world