Hi Stephinontario,
So far my MRI has not shown a blood vessel impingement in my trigeminal nerves, but my most recent MRI should pick - it up if present. My BP is ok 120/70 and HR <50 at rest, for an old guy I am fit. My neurologist is trying eliminate all the very scariest items before dealing with TN. My pending MRI-with contrast, hopefully will be informative.
I see on this forum how much pain drives the treatment with medication and am not sure why the cause is not addressed sooner. As you state having to deal with daily pain for over decade is very worrisome. For me it is while sleeping that the tearing pain occurs and really am glad my meds at least reduce that level of pain so I can go back to sleep. During the day I have yet to be able to predict what will be a trigger, that too is tiresome.
As the Brits say Just have to keep a "stiff-upper-lip and carry-on" - ok bad joke for the TN crowd -sorry couldn't resit ! G
This just reminded me of my last MRI, I could not take the vibration and noise of the machine and I had to be pulled out.
Well, on the positive side, they aren't finding anything of serious concern from your testing.
Yes, a stiff upper lip and carry on! Otherwise dealing with TN could drive you up the wall.
Enjoy all the moments of the day you can...put TN on the back burner. Try not to let it control you....and keep it under control with management.
*I noted to myself when you said so much pain when you sleep...which stuck a cord in me; that is when our body inflames and swells. Our bodies carry interstitial fluid) gets redistributed, mostly through the lymphatic system during the day but build up at night when we sleep in the head and throughout the body/ causing swelling and inflammation.
Just wondering if you have heavy inflammation pushing on that nerve that might explain the cause of your night time problems. TN as I know it strikes at all times.
I just got back from my orthopedic doctor for my tendinitis (from a fall) which keep me up all night! He explained that is why we have that nerve pain at night while laying down at rest.
Hummm...?? Comparison?? Nerves? Face????? All night pain??
I have no idea - I am just thinking out loud since I am up all night with my tendon pains in my arm...and the discussion with the Dr. as to why that was. Room for thought!
I hope today was better for you!
It was one of my better days...so far! - and I will take that ;)
George said:
Hi Beachwalkmm,
The 1st MRI was just a brain scan looking for lesions,tumor and cancer - nothing obvious. The most recent targeted my jaw, pons, and brain stem (1mm slices vs 5-6mm), stilling waiting on the report. Thanks for the advise! G
Hello Beachwalkmm,
Sleeping TN pain is the part I do struggle with the most. The sharp TN pain during the day I can at least distract myself, being awoken is another story. Likely it is not all night long and the episodes are reduced with Gabapentin. Have to think about the swelling at night and nerve pressure. Seems on this forum the nerve pressure by an artery is the primary source of TN pain. My Neuro states there are a variety of causes like demylination, tumors, cancer, etc - none of these seem easy to detect at the onset.
Thanks for encouragement and I have strung a couple good days together - hope you are well too. G
Hi George,
Sometimes there is no definitive answer on the cause of Tn. Tests are generally done such as MRI to rule out everything else, such as MS, tumors etc for example. Even MRI des not always show compression of the nerve. As long as you are having great sucsess with your meds thats awesome. I think alot of us get to the end result with meds and there are alot of them that work well with different people. The end result options are given to us by our doctors to give us a chance to reduce or hopefully eliminate our pain. Its very individualized.
Some of us started our symptoms with dental work others maybe head trauma, some with post herpatic neuralgia from shingles these are few ex. These maybe some things that can cause TN but not written in stone. Its great your meds are working. Good luck hope this helped
My Best
Thanks Joanne - Yes I seem to be following the trend of tests to eliminate the scary causes. Very, very glad to have insurance and working medication.
Simple things like annual teeth cleaning and facial skin cancer maintenance are now difficult to deal with.
Of course it is the side of my face with TN that always needs the procedures - luck of the Irish!
Anyway - thank you for the info very kind of you G