Stick A Fork In Me I'm Done!

It was just ten days ago today my gma went to see her fp dr.,she had all she could take and said unless someone did something to help her she was DONE! She has told all of her docs.therapists etc.over the last 2 and a half yrs. that she doesn't have to live like this any more and no one can make her! I get it, I am her grandson,I have been with her and helped her most of my life I have never known her without tn.Gma has had this horrible monster 30 yrs. or so, she gets it, she probably will never not have some of this pain.Gma says she will live with the shocking, stabbing, jabbing,throbbing, zapping,etc. but after 15 yrs. of burning, boring she absolutely does not want to deal with that only when it gets terrible which hers is almost constant. We are so thankful for the phenobarbtal which has been a blessing.I don't think gma would still be with us if a nurse practioner had not of put her on a low dose of it to keep her from maybe having a stroke when she came off of klonapin. Gma nocticed a decrease in her pain after only 3days. So Awesome! Now let me take a min. and tell you a little about Gma's tn story over the yrs,she started out with migrains 2-3 yrs later she had to have almost all her teeth removed due to a bad infection a yr and half later she started having the shocking in her right cheek and over the yrs. she has developed tn2,tmj,and somthing with her ear,her sight has beome blurry over the last 2 or three yrs.She has all types of procedures including gamma knife and eventually mvd by Dr. Casey,all types of alternative therapy that money and gifts have allowed over the yrs.

Whoops! Nothing has helped her much at all. acupuncture made it way worse so did the other things I already mentioned,she has been in the hands of good specialists over the yrs. still is and looking and hoping for new and better options, meds. have not helped at all until phenobarbital which we think is so awesome they just made her a hot

So sorry ! I know, I will just post another blog later and explain the rest of gma's loooooong story and how she is doing now in a bit but have to help gma right now. PUNKIN

God bless you for being a wonderful help to your are both in my prayers. I pray that GOD can give her some relief and comfort. I can't even imagine what she has gone through.

Punkin, one of the things that has helped my burning, boring constant pain aside from a heating pad, is a lidocaine mixed cream called Emla.
I just apply it to my face and within a minute I am experiencing relief, it minimizes the pain significantly for me, and gives me a much needed break from the hours and hours of intense pain.
Your grandma has probably already tried it, but I thought I’d mention it just in case. Here in Canada it’s purchased over the counter, I believe in the US you need a prescription.
Huge hugs for your grandma, and thank you for sharing her story and your concern.