The hospital I work for was bought out. April 1st I have new insurance. I go from 100% coverage at Cleveland Clinic to 50% with $800 copays! Yes you heard me right!! $800!! I don’t know what I’m going to do…
Have you been to and asked about other healthcare options?
Depending on where you live you might be able to find other options, are you very connected with your Congress person? Ask to speak with the Congress person's representative who handles healthcare issues and tell them your problem, perhaps they can provide other solutions. At minimum you need to stake a claim to address the issue. ask them to keep you posted.
I'm on Medicare with supplemental coverage, it is supposed to be the best system of health coverage available in America, but (mostly because of the cost of Lyrica) my drug copays in 2013 were over $2,000!
As long as the drug and insurance companies are still calling the shots, we are going to be at the mercy of the system...the system isn't going to change unless we make our voices heard.
Good luck!
Thanks! I am looking into options. I may be eligible for medical access as a secondary insurance. I just got the paperwork yesterday. That is plan A! Then I’ll go from there. Thanks for the info!