Since Jan. 11, 2014 My TN has been acting up. I've been getting these attacks, especially when the wind hits my face. I reluctantly found this out while trying to walk into walmart. Now I got my second letter to show up to yet another friggin' Jury Duty!!!!!!!! How in the world am I going to do that when I haven't gone out side for almost a month this Tuesday.
Does any body know of any paperwork I can have my doctor fill out to remove me or people with TN from getting called to Jury Duty? PLEASE ANY BODY ! A DOCTOR, LAWYER ?
I explained to them in the space provided what I have, and that I will be in extreme pain and if I were to take a double dose of my carbamazepine that I'll be totally useless anyways. I'll be falling asleep right where I sit. Seriously... It knocks me out.
I hate TN! It sucks! Hey, If I have a really bad attack, can't I sue the state ?
You know to top it all off my damn doctor never faxed the excuse in! I called the jury office to verify that I had been excused and they said they never received the excuse! WTF!
I really am thinking seriously of finding another doctor.
I know this is the pain talking, but I wish I were a vampire. Has anybody had that fantasy? Your dead so you don't feel pain. would be great not to feel pain.
Well, Thanks a bunch!
Your friend in pain