I'm Scared

Just think you are on your way to being done with this . I had to have some impla nts and it was not as bad as I thought. Tooth decay can have a major impact on ur kidneys bec ause. Of infection. I spent 3 hrs and 2 k yesterday because in 6 months I got 8 cavities and one root canal. I have 5 implants and I could use a couple more, but it is on the side my pain is on. You likely will be under se cation. Ask for it.

Sending you calm thoughts, Julz

so last night on of my teeth broke on the bottom right when I was eating... I called a dentist I have seen in the past and was very informative about whats going on with me, nice, wonderful... if i could have him as a dentist full time I would but I can't... its aweful that it costs so much for dental work :( anyway I ended up getting a tooth pulled about 2 hours ago, Im still preety numb but a little worried about how it will feel when it wares off. it has been a very crazy 24 hours and I cant wait to just sleep in!!! Thank you everyone for your support this is so much for me to handle.



Please make VERY sure that there is no infection in your teeth when they are pulled.

My ATN had gone into remission for years. A dentist, a friend of my brother, pulled an infected molar. That is bad dentistry.

Pain returned for a vengeance so see if they might be willing to prescribe anti-biotics ahead of time, if appropriate.


I had a cracked tooth pulled by an oral surgeon without incident. Not the ATN side.

I had asked the receptionist before if I could take some xanax. The lady said "OH sure! We have patents that come in here rip roaring drunk." Her terrific sense of humor really put me at ease.

The oral surgeon did his job well.

I am also very scared of going to dentist. I can’t predict what is going to happen next. After each visit to a dentist, I will heave a sigh of relief when everything goes well. Therefore I feel what Sarah is going through. It is a very difficult decision whether to go ahead with the planned dental work . A few of the members here said that they had done implants without problem. Yet, there is this nagging feeling if something goes wrong…
I am a woman and I like to look good and feel great. Dentures is good , but implants is better. Besides being natural, it can last longer. The crown is also supposed to be stronger than enamel . It is also more hygienic . There are so many advantages with implants. However dental cost is so high that many go to the students to get their treatment. Many students did a great job. On the other hand, some did a lousy job. It is like taking a gamble.

Sarah, you have a lot to think about. I am sure you have considered every aspect and made the right decision. I wish I could help you to decide.

Sincerely ,Seow

Sarah, I agree with Cleo’s perspective . I had some very bad experience with dentists and this is my personal opinion.

I have taken antibiotics, the dentistas are pulling teeth because my infections are NOT going away. so they have to pull the teeth and clean out the infections that way. I have no choice with this any more...



Please make VERY sure that there is no infection in your teeth when they are pulled.

My ATN had gone into remission for years. A dentist, a friend of my brother, pulled an infected molar. That is bad dentistry.

Pain returned for a vengeance so see if they might be willing to prescribe anti-biotics ahead of time, if appropriate.


I had a cracked tooth pulled by an oral surgeon without incident. Not the ATN side.

I had asked the receptionist before if I could take some xanax. The lady said "OH sure! We have patents that come in here rip roaring drunk." Her terrific sense of humor really put me at ease.

The oral surgeon did his job well.

If I get the teeth extracted but dont have any implants then I will have bone loss in my upper jaw wich will cause many more problems in the future such as jaw surgery oo bone grafting. I dont have a chaoice in this any more, I went to a Maxofacial surgion and he just told me to pull them all so at least the students are only doing 5...

Cleo said:

With the problems you already have. i would imagine it would be high risk for further nerve damage to occur with having implants. especially from A student. FYI- most failed root canals and implants in the USA are done by 1- students and 2- general dentists. hence the reason why TN is showing up in young population.. something is not right with all your failed root canals being infected and having to be extracted. root canals are by no means cheap! and now a broken lower that had to be extracted.. you poor girl! I no the risk of nerve damage associated with implants and you might want to look it up. I would have the upper and lower bad teeth extracted by an experienced oral surgeon who deals with nerve injury and get false teeth. not implants...

Right, but if i dont go to the dentist and and have treatment i will continue on with these infected teeth. i dont have a choice anymore i have to do this to at the very least be more healthy. I know that it is scary, Very scary to think of somthing going wrong but i have looked into every single treatment possible and this is what is best for me. I feel like in my heart this is what I have to do.

Seow W said:

Sarah, I agree with Cleo's perspective . I had some very bad experience with dentists and this is my personal opinion.

Sarah, Yes, go with your guts feeling.
You see, I am giving contradicting views. On one hand , I said that implants is worth considering. On the other hand, I am worried that your the treatment will affect your nerve and your pain will be unbearable.

Yesterday, I had a debate with my daughter who is about your age, she said that she would take the risk and go for the implants . I told her that you have TN and the risk is higher. She argued that life is a gamble and everything is worth trying when you are young. I cannot agree with her , I tend to think what if something goes wrong…this maybe due to my bad experience with dentists. I feel that I am talking nonsense .

I am very sorry, I hope that everything goes well and you come back healthier and prettier.

Best of luck, Seow.


I feel like I can understand both points of veiw with this... I want to do what is best for me, I have looked into this very much and this is what is best for me for long term good results especially at my age. Dentally speaking this is the best out there. The fact that they are students, I think, is a good thing. This is because they are really focusing on doing the right thing and the techer is rite there with them... Medically speaking this could make my pain much worse by messing around with all these nerves so thats when the gamble comes in. I would say taking this risk to do this is a gamble just like getting married, or taking a new job, its a risk to changing your life. This just so happens to be a HUGE risk because of the fact that it can never be un-done and the bad side of the risk is very bad. I am not getting the implants on the same appointment as the teeth are being pulled so I guess my plan at this point is that I can make my final decision on the implants after I see how I feel when the teeth are gone, because I am already worried that there will be more pain just from pulling the teeth.

Thank you so much for all of your support
